Dear Parents,
The exams of your children are
to start soon, I know you are all really anxious for your child to do well.
But, please do remember,
amongst the students, who will be sItting For the exams, there is an artist,
who doesn’t need to understand Maths.
There is an entrepreneur, who
doesn't care about History or English literature.
There's a musician, whose
Chemistry marks won't matter.
There's a sportsperson, whose
physical fitness is more important than Schooling
If your child does get top
marks, that's great! But, if he or she doesn't, please don't take away their
self-confidence and dignity from them.
Tell them it's OK, it's just
an exam! They are cut out for much bigger things in life.
Tell them, no matter what they
score, you love them and will not judge them,
Please do this, and when you
do, watch your children conquer the world. One exam or a low mark won't take
away their dreams and talent.
And please, do not think that
doctors and engineers are the only happy people in the world.
With Warm Regards,
The Principal.
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10 hrs · Sholinganallur ·
இதை படித்ததும் எனக்கு கோணங்கியின் மாயான்டி கொத்தன் நினவுக்கு வந்தது.
11 hrs ·
படித்ததில் பிடித்தது
நான் எட்டாம் வகுப்பு படிக்கும் போது எனது கணித ஆசிரியர் வட்டத்தின் சுற்றளவிற்கான சூத்திரம் கற்பித்தார், அப்போது
வட்டத்தின் சுற்றளவு = 2*Pi*R (or) Pi*D. எனக்கூறி Pi என்பதை 22/7 அல்லது 3.142 எனவும், D - விட்டம். R - ஆரம் எனவும் விளக்கமளித்து சந்தேகமிருந்தால் கேளுங்கள் என்றார்.
சக மாணவர் சிலர் அவர்களது சந்தேகத்தை கேட்டு விளக்கம் பெற்றனர். (விளக்கம் பெற்றதாக நம்பவைக்கப்பட்டனர்.)
நான் கேட்ட கேள்வியும் ஆசிரியரின் பதில்களும். உரையாடலாக கீழே...
நான்: இந்த Pi என்பது இங்கு எப்படி வந்தது? அதன் விளக்கம் என்ன? ஐயா.
ஆசிரியர் : அது தான் வட்டத்தின் சுற்றளவு சூத்திரம் என்று கூறினேனே?
நான்: சதுரம் மற்றும் செவ்வகம் சுற்றளவு சூத்திரங்களில் இந்த Pi வரவில்லையே.
ஆசிரியர்: இப்போது நான் வட்டத்தின் சுற்றளவு பற்றிதானே பாடம் நடத்துகிறேன் நீ எதற்காக சதுரம் செவ்வகத்தை பற்றி இங்கே கேட்கின்றாய்.
நான்: ஐயா எனது சந்தேகம் சதுரத்தின் சுற்றளவிற்கு 4A எனவும், A என்பது பக்கத்தின் நீளம் என்று கூறினீர்கள். செவ்வக சுற்றளவிற்கு 2LB எனவும், L = நீளம் எனவும், B = அகலம் எனவும் கூறினீர்கள்.அது போல Pi என்பது என்ன சற்று தெளிவாக கூறுங்களேன்.
ஆசிரியர்: அதுவா, Pi is a constant value.
இருப்பினும் நான் கேட்ட 22/7 என்பது எப்படி வந்தது என அவரால் விளக்கமளிக்க முடியவில்லை. எனக்கும் விளங்கவில்லை. இதனால் ஏற்பட்ட வாக்கு வாதத்தினால் இரு தினங்கள் வகுப்பிலிருந்து விலக்கி வைக்கப்பட்டு, இது போன்ற கேள்விகளை இனி கேட்க மாட்டேன் என்ற உத்தர வாதம் தந்து உள்சென்றேன்.
இச்சம்பவத்தை மறந்து சிலநாள் கடந்த பின்பு எதேட்சயாக இதன் விளக்கம் கிடைத்தது.
எனது தாத்தா எங்கள் ஊரின் மிகச்சிறந்த தச்சர் எனும் பெயர் பெற்றவர். எங்கள் ஊர் கோயிலின் தேர் சக்கரங்கள் பழுதுபட்ட காரணத்தினால் அச்சகரங்களை மாற்றும் பணி எனது தாத்தாவிடம் ஒப்படைக்கப்பட்டிருந்தது.
அவருக்கு எழுத படிக்க தெரியாத காரணத்தினால் தேவையான சாமான்களை பட்டியலிடும் பணிஎன்னிடம் வழங்கப்பட்டது.(உண்மையில் தினிக்கப்பட்டது). தாத்தா ஒவ்வொன்றாக கூற நான் எழுத வேண்டும்.
அப்படி அவர் கூறி வரும் போது வந்த ஒரு வாக்கியம் என்னை நெருடியது. அவ்வாக்கியம்,
ஐந்தடி உயர சக்கரத்திற்கு 15அடி 9 அங்குல நீள இரும்பு பட்டை, (இரும்பு பட்டை என்பது மரக்கட்டை தேயாமல் இருக்க சக்கரத்தில் ஒட்டப்படும் இரும்பு ). 7 அடி உயர சக்கரத்திற்கு 22 அடி நீள இரும்பு பட்டை.
இதில் வந்த 7 அடிக்கு 22 அடி என்பது எங்கோ கேட்டதாக நினைவுக்கு வர, என் தாத்தாவிடம் எப்படி 7 அடி உயர சக்கரத்திற்கு 22 அடி என கணக்கிட்டீர்கள் என்று வினவினேன்.
பழைய சக்கரங்கள் இருந்த இடத்திற்கு அழைத்து சென்று ஏழடி உயர சக்கரத்தின் ஒரு இடத்தில் குறியிட்டு அக்குறிக்கு நேராக மண்ணிலும் குறித்துக்கொண்டு, சக்கரத்தை ஒரு முழு சுற்று வரும் வரை தள்ளிக்கொண்டு வந்து மீண்டும் சக்கரத்தில் குறியிட்ட பகுதி மண்ணை தொட்ட இடத்தில் குறியிட்டார். மண்ணில் முதலில் குறியிட்ட இடத்திற்கும் இரண்டாம் இடத்திற்குமான தொலைவை அளந்தால் சரியாக 22 அடி வந்தது.
அதாவது சக்கரத்தின் விட்டம் 7 அடியாக இருந்தால் அதன் சுற்றளவு 22 அடி. சக்கரத்தின் விட்டம் 1 அடியாக இருந்தால் அதன் சுற்றளவு 3 அடி 1.7 அங்குலம் (3.142) என விளக்கினார்.
இந்த விளக்கம் என் தாத்தாவுக்கு எப்படி தெரிந்தது? அவருடைய அப்பா சொல்லிக்கொடுத்தார். நானும் சிலவற்றை தெரிந்துகொள்ள அவரிடம் சில விளக்கங்கள் கேட்டேன். அதற்கு என் தாத்தா கூறிய வார்த்தைகள் தான் என்னை மிகவும் பாதித்தது.
உனக்கெதற்கு சாமி இந்த பொழப்பு நல்லா படிச்சு பெரிய ( கஞ்சிக்கு கையேந்து) உத்யோகத்துக்கு போ....
ஆண்டாண்டு காலமாக செய்து வந்த குலத்தொழிலை கேவலமாக நினைக்கும் தலைமுறையில் பிறந்ததை என்னி வெட்கமும் வேதனையும் அடைந்தேன்..
ஆனாலும் ஒரு தச்சு தொழிலாளியிடமிருந்து இத்தகைய கணித சூத்திரத்தின் விளக்கம் கிடைக்குமானால், மற்ற மரபு வழி தொழிளாலர்களிடம் இருந்து ரகசியங்களும் நுணுக்கங்களும் எவ்வள்வு கிடைக்கும்??? தற்காலத்தில் அவை என்ன ஆனது???
எதனால் பள்ளி கல்வி எனும் பெயரில் இளம் தலைமுறையினர் முட்டாளாக்கப்படுகின்றனர்????
உலகின் எந்த பகுதியிலும் இல்லாத அளவு சுய தொழில் மூலம் உண்டு வாழ்ந்து வந்த சமூகம் ஐந்துக்கும் பத்துக்கும் பிச்சை எடுக்க வெளிநாடுகளுக்கு ஓடுவதன் காரணம் என்ன???சிந்தியுங்கள் நண்பர்களே

What is the difference between an atomic bomb and a hydrogen bomb?
28 Answers
They're all nuclear bombs, as the energy comes from nuclear reactions.
What's commonly called an atomic bomb is primarily a fission device: it develops its energy from the fission of heavy, unstable nuclei. There might be some very exotic nuclear materials, but we can assume they're U-235 (uranium) or Pu-239 (plutonium). There are also boosted fission bombs. These use a mixture of deuterium and tritium [1] in the core, which actually undergoes a very small yield fusion reaction to produce enormous numbers of neutrons.
The most powerful fission bomb ever built was the British Orange Herald, at 720 kilotons. That seems to have been a boosted fission device, though I'm not 100% sure of that. The US Mark 18 (aka Super Oralloy Bomb -- SOB) was their largest fission weapon, which did not use boosting. Its yield was 500 kilotons.
What's commonly called a hydrogen bomb is a fusion device. In these weapons, the energy is produced by the fusion of light atoms to produce heavier ones. Typically, the fuel is deuterium and tritium. The tritium is often produced by bombarding Li-6 (lithium) with the neutrons produced during the first instants of fission.
Fusion bombs have a fission bomb inside -- this is the primary, which produces the extremely high temperature and pressure needed for nuclear fusion to take place. Thesecondary is the where fusion reactions occur. It's possible to have multistage weapons, in which a tertiary stage produces still more energy.
Fusion bombs are often enclosed with a damper made from depleted uranium (U-238). With the enormous neutron flux produced in the bomb's fusion reactions, the depleted uranium actually undergoes fission itself. This leads to the configuration sometimes known as a "fission-fusion-fission" devices: there's a fission primary that ignites the fusion secondary, which in turn triggers fission in the damper. The oddity is that the second fission reaction typically produces most of the bomb's yield.
The largest fusion weapon ever tested was the Soviet "Tsara Bomba" (literally, "King of Bombs"), with a yield of about 50 megatons (quoted numbers vary depending on the source). The Tsara Bomba was never intended as a production weapon. It was actually designed to produce over 100 megatons, but they replaced the depleted uranium damper with lead. The bomb was airdropped over the Novaya Zemlya test range, and there was considerable doubt that the bomber could have escaped the 100 megaton blast.
For the 50 megaton explosion, virtually all the energy yield was from fusion reactions. It was actually the cleanest weapon ever detonated.
During the height of the Cold War, deployed fusion bombs reached yields of 25 megatons (Soviet) and 15 megatons (US). Since then, these very large yield bombs have been removed from service and dismantled (well, probably dismantled, anyhow). The maximum yield of modern, variable-yield nuclear weapons is typically in the 250 to 300 kiloton range. There are still a few large fusion bombs in service, though. Both China and Russia are still deploying 5 megaton warheads.
Edit: Correct reference to the most powerful fission bomb.
[1] Most references I've seen cite tritium as the boosting agent, but a deuterium-tritium mix makes more sense to me.
An atomic bomb is about fission. You're breaking up very large atoms (Uranium or Plutonium) in a super-critical chain reaction.
A hydrogen bomb, or a thermonuclear bomb, uses fusion in a chain reaction. The requirement to start a fusion reaction, however is that it requires enormous energy levels (heat) in order to trigger it. The only way to generate this energy is with, you guessed it, anatomic bomb.
Therefore a hydrogen bomb includes an atomic bomb inside the core. The atomic bomb is the trigger.. and when it explodes, it sets off fusion reactions in the nearby deuterium/tritium. It is called a hydrogen bomb because deuterium & tritium are simply isotopes of hydrogen.
With this staged design, it is possible to have a thermonuclear bomb which is far more powerful than an atomic bomb. In fact, the hydrogen (fusion piece) of this is thought to be completely scalable (the bomb may be as powerful as desired and it is limited only by practicality/engineering).
A hydrogen bomb, or a thermonuclear bomb, uses fusion in a chain reaction. The requirement to start a fusion reaction, however is that it requires enormous energy levels (heat) in order to trigger it. The only way to generate this energy is with, you guessed it, anatomic bomb.
Therefore a hydrogen bomb includes an atomic bomb inside the core. The atomic bomb is the trigger.. and when it explodes, it sets off fusion reactions in the nearby deuterium/tritium. It is called a hydrogen bomb because deuterium & tritium are simply isotopes of hydrogen.
With this staged design, it is possible to have a thermonuclear bomb which is far more powerful than an atomic bomb. In fact, the hydrogen (fusion piece) of this is thought to be completely scalable (the bomb may be as powerful as desired and it is limited only by practicality/engineering)
An atomic bomb derives its energy from fissioning the nuclei of very heavy elements, usually Plutonium-239 or Uranium-235. As a result of splitting the atoms, a tremendous amount of energy is released in the form of the kinetic energy of the split nuclei and released neutrons, plus the X and gamma rays.
A hydrogen bomb consists of two parts. So called primary is nothing more than a conventional atomic bomb, just like the sort I described above, and it serves as a trigger to start the fusion reaction. The secondary stage is a container is which a substance called lithium deuteride is stored. There is also a rod made of U 235 within the secondary.
So, what happens when a hydrogen bomb detonates? When the primary goes off, the neutrons from the blast reach the secondary stage, where they interact with lithium and create tritium, an isotope of hydrogen. Now you have deuterium and tritium there, both isotopes of hydrogen, which is what you need for fusion to occur. At the same time, two things happen: the X rays from the primary smash the secondary and compress it to (I think) one thousandth of its normal size, and the heat from the primary rises the temperature of the material surrounding the secondary stage to a couple of millions degrees, ionizing it and causing it to try to expand outwards, which in turn adds more pressure inwards to the secondary stage and compresses it even further. As the result of the tremendous pressure and temperature, the U-235 rod in the secondary starts fissioning and the temperature in the secondary now rises up to 50 or more million degrees. This enables deuterium and the newly bred tritium to start fusing into helium and releases even more energy than the fission reaction, and most importantly, creates an incredibly large number of fast neutrons. This is the 'hydrogen' part of the hydrogen bomb.
Now, what happens next depends on the design: if you want more yield, then you will surround the secondary stage with a fissionable tamper, such as U-238, that will fission when hit by the fast neutrons created by the fusion reaction and add up to 50% to the overall yield. If you don't want any more yield, you will surround it with some non-fissionable material, such as lead for example (BTW, the role of a tamper is to keep the nuclear material from destroying itself as long as possible and thus generate as much energy as possible, since during a nuclear explosion the reaction increases exponentially, so the longer it lasts the more energy you get). This also reduces the fallout dramatically, and such design (lead tamper instead of U-238) was used by the Soviets in the Tsar Bomba, the most powerful bomb ever detonated by mankind. They were afraid of the possible fallout, so they decided to scale the yield from 100 Mt, which was originally planned, down to some 57 Mt, which still was by far the most powerful explosion ever in human history.
An "A-Bomb" squeezes a lump of uranium 235 of Plutonium to cause a chain reaction. This process is kinda limited and unsatisfactory in many ways-- only a small percentage of the material actually gets a chance to chain-react before it gets blown apart. And you can only make a pure fission bomb in small to medium sizes, 1 kiloton to about 500 kilotons of TNT equivalent.
To make a bigger blast you need a different setup. You can pack some lithium deuteride and tritium near the A-Bomb and with some clever and still mostly classified means, have the A-bomb blast compress and heat the stuff until the elements fuse. You can pack on all the stuff you want, you're not limited to a critical mass, so you can just pile on lots of it, making blasts up into the tens of megatons.
If that is still not enough for you , this secondary stage generates a whole lot of neutrons, which you can use to light off a third stage of plain old U238, which will fission very nicely when hit with enough neutrons. This third stage is generally frowned upon, as the fissioning material generates a whole lot of very radioactive and poisonous isotopes. That's what is known as a "dirty bomb".
To make a bigger blast you need a different setup. You can pack some lithium deuteride and tritium near the A-Bomb and with some clever and still mostly classified means, have the A-bomb blast compress and heat the stuff until the elements fuse. You can pack on all the stuff you want, you're not limited to a critical mass, so you can just pile on lots of it, making blasts up into the tens of megatons.
If that is still not enough for you , this secondary stage generates a whole lot of neutrons, which you can use to light off a third stage of plain old U238, which will fission very nicely when hit with enough neutrons. This third stage is generally frowned upon, as the fissioning material generates a whole lot of very radioactive and poisonous isotopes. That's what is known as a "dirty bomb".
What is the difference between a hydrogen bomb an atomic bomb and nuclear bomb?
An atomic bomb derives its explosive power by the fission (splitting) of atoms. A heavy atom like uranium or plutonium is placed in a critical mass where the neutrons emitted will cause surrounding atoms to split until the whole mass comes apart in a violent explosion.
A hydrogen bomb derives its explosive power by the fusion of atoms. An atomic bomb is needed to get the process started. The heat of the atomic bomb enables a two lighter elements to fuse together to make a heavier element. As a side product, energy is released. A lot of energy.
Nuclear bomb is a term used to describe any nuclear weapon that is explosive. Sometimes, thermonuclear bomb is used to describe a hydrogen bomb.
Nuclear bomb is a bomb that, unlike traditional bombs that uses explosive material, the nuclear bomb uses atom by either fission or fusion. The former is an atomic bomb, yields its energy from splitting of a heavy and unstable atom with neutron like U-235. The latter is a hydrogen bomb, yields its energy from fusion of two light atoms like hydrogen and helium. Both of them produces enermous ammount of energy in form of heat.
Joseph Boyle
Written Dec 2, 2011 · Upvoted by Geoff Olynyk, Ph.D., Applied Plasma Physics and Fusion Energy, Dept. of Nuclear Science & Engineering, MIT, 2013
Both names are misnomers, and "modern" nuclear weapons (already developed in the 1960s and used for almost all nuclear weapons) have two stages, each of which uses fission, then fusion triggered by the heat and compression of the fission, then more fission triggered by the neutrons from the fusion. The "external neutron initiator" could count as a zeroth stage using fusion.
Almost no difference.
In hydrogen bomb, the energy from atom bomb is used to spark fusion reaction in hydrogen atoms. Here is how hydrogen bomb is supposed to work. (Photo :Thermonuclear weapon)
However some atomic weapons called boosted fission weapons, hydrogen (deuterium and tritium) is introduced right at the center of atomic bomb. Fission from Deuterium and Tritium releases neutrons. This neutron from fission further increases the rate of fission
In hydrogen bomb, the energy from atom bomb is used to spark fusion reaction in hydrogen atoms. Here is how hydrogen bomb is supposed to work. (Photo :Thermonuclear weapon)
However some atomic weapons called boosted fission weapons, hydrogen (deuterium and tritium) is introduced right at the center of atomic bomb. Fission from Deuterium and Tritium releases neutrons. This neutron from fission further increases the rate of fission
Nuclear bomb is an umbrella term that refers to both hydrogen and atomic bombs. However, people will often misuse the word atomic bomb to also refer to both, like when they refer to the nuclear arsenals of countries like the US and Russia, which mainly use hydrogen bombs. Hydrogen bombs are more complex to create so came in 1952, 7 years after the atom bomb. Today, every nuclear power uses hydrogen bombs with the exception of North Korea, which hasn't quite figured it out yet.
An atomic bomb works through nuclear fission, which is the splitting of large atoms like Uranium or Plutonium into smaller ones. In the process, a small amount of mass is not conserved but is rather converted into energy, which as E=mc^2 shows us, is a lot of energy. Fission also releases a lot of radioactive particles.
Hydrogen bombs work through the opposite process as atom bombs which is fusion, where the smallest atoms, hydrogen, are thrown together to create larger ones (helium). Again, mass is not conserved but fusion bombs release many times more energy than fission bombs. However, fusion can only happen at incredibly high temperatures, which can be created through nuclear fission. As a result, hydrogen bombs usually have atom bombs inside them to trigger them. Hydrogen bombs themselves do not release many radioactive particles but the fission triggers do.
The element with the most stable nucleus is iron. Elements with nuclei much lighter than iron will liberate energy if the nuclei fuse (merge) to produce new elements closer to iron. Elements with nuclei much heavier than iron will liberate energy if they fission (split) to produce new elements closer to iron. A hydrogen bomb relies on fusion, an atom bomb (which uses uranium or plutonium) relies on fission.
You have fission bombs where a heavy atoms (uranium, plutonium) are split into smaller atoms. This is what was dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki and was called the atom bomb or better nuclear bombs (after all, the nuclei split).
You have fusion bombs where lighter atoms (hydrogen, lithium) are fused into heavier atoms (hydrogen bomb). To achieve fusion you need a very high temperature. This is achieved by making a two-stage bomb: a fission stage to heat up the fusion stage. The high temperature is why it is also called a thermonuclear weapon. These are all the more-than-a-few-hundred-kiloton weapons. This is also a nuclear bomb.
You have fusion bombs where lighter atoms (hydrogen, lithium) are fused into heavier atoms (hydrogen bomb). To achieve fusion you need a very high temperature. This is achieved by making a two-stage bomb: a fission stage to heat up the fusion stage. The high temperature is why it is also called a thermonuclear weapon. These are all the more-than-a-few-hundred-k
Excerpts from Wikipedia
(Nuclear weapon)
A nuclear weapon is an explosive device that derives its destructive force from nuclear reactions, either fission or a combination of fission and fusion.
Weapons whose explosive output is exclusively from fission reactions are commonly referred to as atomic bombs or atom bombs (abbreviated as A-bombs). This has long been noted as something of a misnomer, as their energy comes from the nucleus of the atom, just as it does with fusion weapons.
The other basic type of nuclear weapon produces a large proportion of its energy in nuclear fusion reactions. Such fusion weapons are generally referred to asthermonuclear weapons or more colloquially as hydrogen bombs (abbreviated asH-bombs), as they rely on fusion reactions between isotopes of hydrogen (deuteriumand tritium).
(Nuclear weapon)
A nuclear weapon is an explosive device that derives its destructive force from nuclear reactions, either fission or a combination of fission and fusion.
Weapons whose explosive output is exclusively from fission reactions are commonly referred to as atomic bombs or atom bombs (abbreviated as A-bombs). This has long been noted as something of a misnomer, as their energy comes from the nucleus of the atom, just as it does with fusion weapons.
The other basic type of nuclear weapon produces a large proportion of its energy in nuclear fusion reactions. Such fusion weapons are generally referred to asthermonuclear weapons or more colloquially as hydrogen bombs (abbreviated asH-bombs), as they rely on fusion reactions between isotopes of hydrogen (deuteriumand tritium).
Nuclear bomb, atom bomb, hydrogen bomb: These are not precisely defined technical terms. There are two basic types of nuclear explosive weapons: fission bombs where the explosive energy is obtained from the runaway chain fission reaction of certain heavy isotopes (typically plutonium or maybe uranium), and fusion bombs where the explosive energy is obtained from a runaway fusion reaction of light elements (but not necessarily just hydrogen; lithium may be used, too.) However... a fusion bomb contains a fission bomb ("primary") inside, which is used to create the initial conditions (high temperature, high pressure) required for the fusion reaction to start. And fission weapons may be "boosted" by the additional fusion reaction from light elements surrounding the fission core that in turn boosts the efficiency of the fission reaction, while a fusion weapon may be surrounded by a uranium casing that can significantly boost the energy yield of the weapon through fission. So there is a spectrum of weapons, and they don't neatly fit into the "atom bomb = fission bomb", "hydrogen bomb = fusion bomb" categorization, which tends to be the colloquial usage of these terms.
Both are nuclear bombs, ie. energy is derived from nuclear reactions.
Atomic bomb :-
- Atomic bomb derives it's energy from nuclear fission reaction in which nucleus of an atom split into smaller part releasing tremendous amount of energy.
- The Nagasaki bomb was 20000 tons of TNT equivalent. The largest pure-fission bomb ever created by USA was around 500000 tons TNT equivalent.
- There is an upper limit on the yield due to the fact that having too much fissile material (plutonium, uranium) in one place is dangerous.
Hydrogen Bomb :-
- In hydrogen bomb, first fission reaction takes place to generate enough energy that is needed to start the fusion reaction. In fusion reaction two or more atomic nuclei collide to form a new atomic nucleus.
- For example two hydrogen combines to form a helium. Three helium combines to form carbon.
- The Sun generates its energy through these fusion reactions.
- Fusion fuel has no maximum limit (unlike fission) and you can chain such bombs together. The only limitation is size. The largest hydrogen bomb ever detonated had a yield of 50 million tons of TNT equivalent and was about the size of school bus.
- So to trigger the hydrogen bomb, you need to first explode the atomic bomb!!
Hope this helps…
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the Atomic bombs were created before the nuclear ones. They work on splitting of atom orfission to release energy by means of difference in mass (its really miniscule) they are rather inefficient, as only a very small mass of the total fissile material actually undergoes fission. that reaction when controlled is used for production of nuclear power (there are lot more differences in that but its beyond the purview of this question)
Thermonuclear bomb on other hand works on the principle of fusion. Two light atoms, like Hydrogen will combine to form a more stable and a heavier nuclei like Helium, and in turn give off energy. the idea for thermonuclear bomb came in the minds of scientists while working on atom bomb in Manhattan project and the design of it (Uram-teller design) was infact conceptualised on the manhattan project itself. These bombs are far more energetic, with the highest yield recorded being 57 mega tons of TNT. a nuclear bomb relies on an atom bomb to achieve detonation as the very high pressures required mean that its impossible to detonate through other means.
Since most of its energy comes from nuclear fusion than fission, the risk of radioactive fallout is very less in nuclear bomb
Thermonuclear bomb on other hand works on the principle of fusion. Two light atoms, like Hydrogen will combine to form a more stable and a heavier nuclei like Helium, and in turn give off energy. the idea for thermonuclear bomb came in the minds of scientists while working on atom bomb in Manhattan project and the design of it (Uram-teller design) was infact conceptualised on the manhattan project itself. These bombs are far more energetic, with the highest yield recorded being 57 mega tons of TNT. a nuclear bomb relies on an atom bomb to achieve detonation as the very high pressures required mean that its impossible to detonate through other means.
Since most of its energy comes from nuclear fusion than fission, the risk of radioactive fallout is very less in nuclear bomb
The prefix used in the descriptor.
There are two main divisions of Nuclear or atomic weapons.
Fission: gun type utilizes a high velocity impact to initiate a fission chain reaction., implosion type compresses fissile material to achieve supercriticality. Generaly maximum yields around 200 kilotons
Fusion: Standard Hydrogen Thermonuclear device (Fission initiated, yields ranging between 100kilotons and 50 megatons), Neutron (Multistage fission fusion combo, designed for maximum neutron dispersion, annihilates all carbon based life, leaves buildings intact)
There are two main divisions of Nuclear or atomic weapons.
Fission: gun type utilizes a high velocity impact to initiate a fission chain reaction., implosion type compresses fissile material to achieve supercriticality. Generaly maximum yields around 200 kilotons
Fusion: Standard Hydrogen Thermonuclear device (Fission initiated, yields ranging between 100kilotons and 50 megatons), Neutron (Multistage fission fusion combo, designed for maximum neutron dispersion, annihilates all carbon based life, leaves buildings intact)
Hydrogen bombs are very similar to conventional atomic bombs. There are a small amount of lithium that becomes hydrogen and merges to form helium, but this serves primarily to generate much more neutrons and make the fission reaction (with uranium or plutonium) more efficient. See Teller-Ulam design.
the named atom bomb is a fission bomb that primarily releases its energy by initiating an uncontrolled fission reaction, where one atom is split into two atoms, some neutrinos and large amounts of energy. The energy comes from the missing mass where the original atom has more mass than the sum of the components it splits into.
The hydrogen bomb is a fusion bomb. this is pretty much the same except remember that feeling you get when you make something and think "can we make it bigger?" A fusion reaction combines two light atoms into one heavier atom, but heavier atom has less mass than sum of the two (or more) lighter atoms, this missing mass is the energy that it releases out.
Atom bombs use uranium or plutonium, whereas hydrogen bomb uses, well hydrogen. Naturally fission process is one of the many process that heat up the earth, but it pales in contrast to the energy released by fusion reaction which powers the sun and all the stars. The fusion needs so much energy to begin that there has to be a small atom bomb in a hydrogen bomb to go off, and since playing with such large amounts of energy is so dangerous is probably why we been able to only control fission reactions so far while scientists attempt to control a fusion reaction for energy production.
The difference here is the principle used in them to achieve the target of massive explosion. A simple atomic bomb uses old, cliche "Nuclear Fission" process whereas for an hydrogen bomb you need a 'Thermonuclear Reaction" which is achieving hydrogen atom fusions at very high temperatures. Nuclear fusion is much more of a fascinating principle as it degree of uncontrolability is very high here, Hence a hydrogen bomb can cause even more massive destruction.
Since this is a matter of official secrets, it will be a matter also of strategic misinformation. And in this one case for valid reasons, at least in the early years.
For this reason I think I'm entitled to be skeptical as to whether its truly a FUSION bomb. If it is a true FUSION bomb, I think it must rely on the electro-magnetic pulse for fusion, and not on the heat generated by the atom bomb. But I doubt its a fusion bomb. I think its a proton bomb.
Most of the energy generated by both fission and fusion could probably be explained by the repellant force that two unshielded protons produce when they are too close to each-other. Out of all the forces that are truly fully verified this is the strongest known. And by assuming that we have a cascade effect leading to too many unsheilded protons getting too close to eachother, we can explain a likely mechanism to the heat buildup and shockwave. And we can do so while getting rid of a lot of the usual voodoo.
Why this is important now is because there is a great deal of misinformation claiming that fusion is all about lots of heat and lots of pressure. Actually there is vanishingly little evidence that heat is anything but an hindrance to fusion.
For this reason I think I'm entitled to be skeptical as to whether its truly a FUSION bomb. If it is a true FUSION bomb, I think it must rely on the electro-magnetic pulse for fusion, and not on the heat generated by the atom bomb. But I doubt its a fusion bomb. I think its a proton bomb.
Most of the energy generated by both fission and fusion could probably be explained by the repellant force that two unshielded protons produce when they are too close to each-other. Out of all the forces that are truly fully verified this is the strongest known. And by assuming that we have a cascade effect leading to too many unsheilded protons getting too close to eachother, we can explain a likely mechanism to the heat buildup and shockwave. And we can do so while getting rid of a lot of the usual voodoo.
Why this is important now is because there is a great deal of misinformation claiming that fusion is all about lots of heat and lots of pressure. Actually there is vanishingly little evidence that heat is anything but an hindrance to fusion.
The ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter
Equal to 3.14159265358979323846... (the digits go on forever without repeating)
A rough approximation is 22/7 (=3.1428571...), but that is not very accurate
Equal to 3.14159265358979323846... (the digits go on forever without repeating)
A rough approximation is 22/7 (=3.1428571...), but that is not very accurate