A White Paper on Using the
Lasche and McKee Equations to Determine Lubricant Viscosity
By MoleKule
Journal bearings; lubrication.
reduce the friction that robs machines of horsepower. Bearings are classified
by type as Roller bearings, Ball bearings, Pin/Needle bearings, Journal
(sleeve) bearings, and sliding bearings. Roller and ball bearings are usually
found in applications such as transmissions and differentials. Pin/Needle
bearings are also found in automatic transmissions and manual transmissions
that use Automatic Transmission Fluids, and in 2-cycle engines. Sliding
bearings in engines can be found in cam/tappet assemblies and of course in the
cylinder, where the ring pack interfaces with the cylinder liner. In this paper
we will focus on the design and filtration requirements for the sleeve bearings
that support journals, such as crankshafts, connecting rods, and camshafts.
1.1 Sleeve
Bearing Design
number of factors affect bearing design including loads (forces), diameter of
journal/nearing, length of journal/bearing, rotational speed of journal
bearing, eccentricity of journal-bearing system, clearance between journal and
bearing, the minimum oil film, the viscosity of the oil film, the heat produced
by all frictions, the coefficient of friction of the journal-bearing system,
and the volume of oil flow.
journal does not rotate inside the bearing in a concentric fashion, rather is
has a slight wobble or “eccentricity” (denoted as “e”) that generates not only
a wedge of lubricant film, but also “pumps” the oil around the wedge.
Eccentricity is defined as the distance between the bearing center and the
journal (shaft) center. Assume the shaft is rotating counterclockwise in the
sleeve and the bearing sleeve has a hole in it, and the shaft and bearing are
immersed in an oil bath. The oil will be drawn into the “diametral” clearance
when the shaft is rotating and will force the wedge of oil around the inside of
the sleeve. In most case, we provide both oil-in and oil-out passageways, with
a higher pressure on the “in” side to keep a clean and cool oil supply flowing.
friction is determined by an empirical equation (derived by test data) called
the “McKee” equation as: One uses the “McKee” equation, along with the “Lasche”
equation, for bearing heat generation and dissipation, Hd and Hg,
and equates these equations to find the viscosity required!
; The McKee equation
. Hg
is the heat generated in a bearing, in ft-lbs/min, f is journal the coefficient of friction, D is journal diameter in in., N
is journal speed in rpm, W is total
radial bearing load, lbs.
; the McKee equation for journal friction. C is diametral clearance, Z is absolute viscosity of lubricating
oil at temperature in centipoise, p
is pressure based on projected area W/LD, in psi. N is as above. k is a
constant which is derived from a graph for the L/D ratio, and is approx.
0.002 to 0.0075for most engine bearings.
; This is the Lasche equation for heat dissipated in a
bearing, where
to 53 for most
bearings, L is length of journal,, in
in., D is as above. TB is bearing temperature and
TO is oil temperature in 0F.
Assume bearing temperature is 68 0F (20 0C) above oil

is the Algorithm:
- Calculate f.
- Calculate Hg
- Calculate Hd
- Set Hg = Hd and solve for Z, the viscosity.
- Convert Z to kinematic viscosity in cSt (if
will do this for a Chevy. 350 V8 main bearing in which the bearing length L is 1.21875”, D is 2.448”, and diametral clearance averages 0.001925”. The D/C
ratio is 1271.69; the L/D ratio is 0.4979. The k value for this L/D ratio is 0.006.
= 3,000 rpm = N. Pressure on main
bearing, p, is W/LD = 402.7 psi (W range is 700 to 1700 psi; W for the example is 1,200 psi). The
bearing temperature shall be limited to 230 F and the oil temp is limited to
190 F.
Note: The algorithm presented
here does overstate the viscosity by 12% but does get one into the ballpark.
required viscosity is between a 30 weight and a 40 weight at an oil temp of 190
One takes the oil temp of 190 0F and draws a vertical line to 12.9
on a Z vs. Temperature chart, the intersect shows an SAE 39 weight oil is required
at the oil temps and rpm. This is about 13.0 cSt in terms of kinematic
and Mischke, in "Mechanical Engineering Design," show that the oil
flow required to maintain a 28 0F differential between oil-in temp
and oil-out temp of a bearing of 0.00175" clearance, is Q = 0.252 m3/s. This is for a
1.5" diameter bearing using SAE 20 weight oil at an rpm of 1800 rpm. The
Chevy bearing in question is 2.448” in diameter and the length is 1.21875”.
minimum film thicknesses, in hydrodynamic lubrication for these types of
bearings, are on the order of 0.1 to 1um, with most operating films (in
hydrodynamic lubrication) on the order of 1um to 18 um or less. Bearing
clearances range from 0.0001 to 0.002 inches for every 2.54 cm (1”) of journal
diameter. During normal operation the journal is supported on an extremely thin
film of oil, and the two parts should have no contact. As the rotational speed
increases, the lubricant is drawn into the bearing by the rotating action of
the journal (shaft). Consequently, the oil film becomes thicker and the
increase in friction is therefore less than directly proportional to the speed.
Conversely, at lower speeds, the oil film is thinner. At extremely low speeds
(such as starting or “lugging”) there is likelihood that the bearing may fail
or be permanently damaged unless there is a “barrier” lubricant between the
shaft and bearing that can take the load and not shear under loads.
Filtration.and Bearing Wear
Duchowski’s paper [2], he shows that the range of most abrasive particles that
cause bearing wear are in the range of 3 um to 32 um. He suggests that the
filter have a beta of B >= 200 at 6 um, “Given the film thickness which
exists under standard (steady-state) operating conditions, the filter element
appropriate for the application should exhibit a high removal efficiency for
particles down to 10 um in size. In addition, the selected filter element
should also exhibit a significant removal efficiency for particle removal down
to about 3 um in size to allow for thinner film which exists under startup
- Hall, et. al., Theory and Problems of Machine Design.
- John K. Duchowski, Examination of Journal Bearing
Filtration Requirements, Lubrication Engineering, September, 1998, pp.
- Shigley and Mischke, Mechanical Engineering Design.