CIM April -2014 Question Paper
April -2014
Part A
1. List the benefits of CIM.
2. What is CAD?
3. What is graphics standard?
4. What is 3D rotation?
5. List the benefits of CAM.
6. What is GT?
7. What is Master production schedule?
8. What is sequential engineering?
9. Define DNC?
10. Mention the advantages of of CNC machines.
11. What is ATC?
12. What is an encoder?
13. What is conversational programming?
14. What is a datum point?
15. What is macro?
16. Mention the syntax for threading cycle.
17. What is FMS?
18. What is virtual machining?
19. Define robot.
20. What is AGV?
Part B
21. A. i. Explain the activities of CIM wheel. - 6
ii. Explain the guidelines of design for manufacture and assembly. - 6
B. i. Explain the activities of CAD in Shigley's design process. - 6
ii. Explain the 3D rotation and 3D translation. - 6
22. A. i. Explain the generative type CAPP. - 6
ii. Explain the MRP - I. - 6
B. i. Explain the code system. - 4
ii. What is RPT? Explain the stereo lithography method. - 8
23. A. i. Explain the working principle of CNC system. - 6
ii. Explain about the the design considerations of NC machine tools. - 6
B. i.. Explain the working principle of EDM die sinking machine. - 6
ii. Explain about the ATC. - 6
24. A. i. Explain the NC dimensioning methods with example. - 6
ii. Write a part program for thread cutting operation in a CNC lathe. - 6
B. i. Write a part program for pocketing in a CNC milling machine. - 6
ii. Explain about the tool offsets and tool compensation . - 6
25. A. i. Explain about the FMS components. - 6
ii. Explain the intelligent manufacturing system. - 6
B. i. Explain the working principle of AGV. - 6
ii. Explain any two industrial applications of robot. - 6