
Thursday, 15 February 2018

Hydraulic pumps

All gifs are taken from internet

External Gear Pump

 Internal Gear Pump

Vane Pump

Radial Piston Pumps

Radial Piston Pumps can produce a very smooth flow under extreme pressure. Generally they are variable-displacement pumps.
In variable models, flow rate changes when the shaft holding the rotating pistons is moved with relation to the casing (in different models either the shaft or the casing moves.) Output can also be varied by changing the rotation speed.
In this animation if the casing (shown in red) is moved to the left, the flow rate would decrease to zero. If it is moved even further to the left the flow would reverse.
Input in this animation is through the TOP two black holes near the center below the "Pintle" (shown in yellow). Output is through the BOTTOM two black holes, above the pintle. Higher pressure areas are indicated with a DARKER blue fluid color.
The pistons are usually forced out by springs. They are forced back in, expelling liquid, by the casing.
An odd number of pistons is always used to smooth the hydraulic balance. These pumps revolve at speeds up to about 1200 RPM.
Note similarities to, and differences from, the wobble pumpswash plate pump, and bent axis pump.

Radial Piston Pump : Another


In this pump, the pistons are at an angle to the drive shaft and Thrust Plate. The piston block shaft is connected to the drive shaft by a universal joint, not shown. The drive shaft, thrust plate, piston block shaft, and piston block all revolve.
The connecting rods are attached to the thrust plate and revolve with it, unlike the swash plate pump where the piston rods slide past a stationary swash plate.

The outlet ports are semi-circular holes in the Valve Plate, shown on the far right of the animation on edge and in a head-on view below, right.

As the pump revolves, half the pistons suck in fluid as they pass over the intake port. The other pistons discharge their fluid through the outlet port.

This pump should be compared to the radial piston pump, swash plate pump, and wobble pump.


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